Better Product, Better Health, Better Planet.
Grass fed beef is a truly healthier alternative for consumers, animals, and the planet.
Grass fed beef has less fat than feedlot raised beef, and the fat that it does contain has a higher percentage of heart-healthy omega-3s and CLA—the “good” fats. Grass fed beef also has more antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin E, as well as B-vitamins and beta-carotene.
And keep in mind what 100% grass fed beef certified by the American Grassfed Association doesn’t contain—antibiotics and added growth hormones.
Just as it’s healthier for people to eat grass fed beef, it’s healthier for cattle eat a 100% grass fed diet. Cattle evolved to eat grass and feeding them foods such as corn can make them sick, which is why feedlot raised cattle are routinely fed antibiotics. In addition, grass fed cattle have a higher quality of life—grazing on a pasture beats being crammed into a feedlot in unhygienic conditions.
Finally, grass fed beef offers important environmental benefits. Pasture-based farming can restore natural ecosystems and wildlife habitat. Since cattle are roaming freely, their manure improves the soil with organic matter. Also, grass fed operations use less fossil fuel and can reduce greenhouse gases.
It’s clearly worth the effort to seek out 100% grass fed beef—don’t be misled by those other labels at the grocery store.