Better Beef from the Ground Up
Humane. Healthy. Sustainable. Delicious. When you see our “M” brand, you know you’re getting the highest quality 100% grass-fed beef right from the source. Better for the planet, better for your plate—that’s the Mulvey Gulch Ranch promise.
Born & Grazed Under the Big Sky
Mulvey Gulch Ranch is home to over 70 registered Black Angus bulls and over 1,100 premium mother cows who birth their calves during April and May of each year. Our cattle spend all of their lives on large, open grass pastures and meadows. During the summer months, cattle graze at higher elevations, while in the winter months they are closer to the valley bottom. Depending on snowfall, they have access to supplemental alfalfa and grass hay which were put up in bales during the summer. We bale over two thousand tons of alfalfa, sainfoin and grass hay to feed cattle when weather demands—ensuring we maintain a proper nutritional mix and promote healthy development at all stages of their lives.

Range Calved. Range Raised.
Our herds spend their entire lives on the ranges of Mulvey Gulch without the stress or environmental impact of being shipped across continents, as done by other industrial operations. Typically in November calves are divided into groups by age for seasonal grazing.

Naturally Healthy & Delicious
Thanks to the natural benefits of our traditional ranching process, our calves are never treated with hormones or antibiotics. As a result, our premium beef products are healthy, delicious and in high demand. You can find them exclusively at select Jerry’s Foods retailers in Minnesota and Wisconsin.